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DEMAC is funded by

Throughout Delaware there are several environmental monitoring initiatives currently ongoing. Delaware environmental monitoring competencies currently include:

Although significant monitoring of the environment is occurring across the State, there is no statewide ability to ingest, organize, archive, and disseminate the data from these initiatives in a meaningful way for research, education, and decision-making.

DEMAC works with agencies and research groups throughout the State of Delaware to establish and maintain a coordinated approach to disseminating environmental data to governmental agencies, K-12, and the general public. (Read more about DEMAC and our goals.)

Delaware Environmental Monitoring & Analysis Center
Center for Environmental Monitoring & Analysis (CEMA)
College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment
212 Pearson Hall | University of Delaware | Newark, DE 19716-2541
Phone: (302) 831-6581 • Fax: (302) 831-6654 • © 2018